The Gospel in the Wind – By W. B. Walker

Chapter 4

Making God More Real

Recently I was led of the Spirit into a gracious season of prayer, and at the close of this wonderful waiting before the Lord, I made this solemn vow unto the Lord: “I hereby resolve to make you more real to my own soul, and to the people whom I serve.” I fully realize that it is one thing to make a vow, and quite another thing to fulfill it. How important it is that we make the Lord real in these troublesome times! Do we act as if God still lives? Does He really live and reign within? Are we in vital touch with Him? How can we make the Lord more real to our own soul, and to those whom we serve?

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I. WE CAN MAKE THE LORD MORE REAL BY GIVING MORE ATTENTION TO PRAYER Prayer to the Christian is as necessary as food and clothing for the body. Prayer is more than murmuring and complaining to the Lord. We should pray and not fuss and fume about world conditions. We should pray until the machinery of the soul is fully lubricated — pray until we are in the presence of the Lord — pray until things come to pass. We should pray until we are empowered with supernatural strength — pray until the Lord becomes real to our own soul. Paul says, “Pray without ceasing.” In Acts we read, “And when they prayed, the place was shaken.” Still the writer of the Acts says, “But prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.”

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II. TO KNOW GOD BETTER, WE SHOULD GIVE MORE TIME TO THE READING OF THE BIBLE The Bible should be studied for soul food and genuine spiritual instruction. This blessed Book should be given first place in our lives. We should read its history, its prophecy, its poetry, its promises, its punishments, its comparisons, its descriptions of the future, and its hopes. We should read it for strength in these evil days. “As thy day, so shall thy strength be.” In these winding days of turmoil and strife, it is our greatest source of strength and comfort. If we would know the Lord better, we should know His Book better. Paul says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

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III. THERE SHOULD BE FREQUENT ANOINTINGS OF THE HOLY GHOST The blessings of the past are not sufficient — there must be new touches of holy fire, and fresh springs of joy springing up within the heart. We must not suffer our souls to become dry, and fireless and powerless. The early disciples gathered in a certain place for prayer, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost. They had already received their Pentecost in the upper room, but they were now face to face with an impending crisis. They prayed, and the place was shaken, and they went forth proclaiming the Word with power and boldness. How our hearts need to be broken, our spirits need a gracious mellowing, and we need that joy that is unspeakable and full of glory! Yes, to know the Lord better, and to make Him more real to others, let us seek new spiritual overflows that move others toward the Kingdom of God.

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IV. WE SHOULD LIVE MORE AND MORE IN HIS PRESENCE Moses would not continue his march to the promised land without the presence of the Lord. He was given this bracing promise: “My presence shall go with thee and I will give you rest. “More and more we need this Divine Presence. His presence guided the children of Israel safely to the land of Promise. How we need the divine presence in our private lives, in our homes, in our work, in our testings, and in the services of the church. With His presence, we can walk in the fiery furnace of affliction, in the lion’s den of persecution, and in the valley of the shadow of death. His presence will empower us to meet opposition and the misunderstandings of life. The Divine Presence in our services puts life in the singing, winsomeness into the sermon, conviction on the sinner, and hunger in the heart of the unsanctified. Oh, that we should live more and more in His presence! Let us practice the presence of God!

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V. WE SHOULD HAVE A GREATER PASSION FOR BLEEDING AND SOBBING HUMANITY If we know the Lord in the power of His resurrection, then we can make Him more real to others. This world is lost and without God, but men have never been more hungry for the Bread of Life than now. Truly, the harvest is ripe, and this is our greatest day of opportunity to win men to Christ. There is a real soul hunger in men, and a growing concern for God throughout this land. Oh, that we shall make God more real to suffering humanity! Jesus looked upon the fainting multitudes with compassion. When He looked upon the doomed city of Jerusalem, it broke His heart. When He looked out of tearful eyes upon the shepherdless multitudes it crushed His spirit. We should evangelize the nations of earth, but what about the little world near your doorsteps? What about the block where you live? Have you touched those near you with this blessed Gospel that saves and sanctifies men? Yes, if we are to make the Lord real to our own souls, and to the souls of others, we must love the souls of men. We should love men as Jesus loved them. Do we love the secret place of prayer? Is the Bible a living Book to you? Are you frequently anointed of the Spirit? Do you have His constant presence? Do the lost multitudes of earth move your heart? How much do you love souls? Beloved, let’s make the Lord more real to the souls of men! Let’s linger in His presence until our hearts are broken over the lost about us!