The Gospel in the Wind – By W. B. Walker


This is our thirteenth book to present to the reading public. The publishers have been courteous to me in every way. I appreciate these courtesies more than I have words to express. The acceptance of my writings has been gratifying indeed. Little did I dream when I first began to write that the twelve volumes would be so graciously accepted. I am thankful to our Lord, and to the reading public. I have had but one burden in presenting these messages from time to time — to lead the sinner to the cross for pardon, to direct the believer into heart holiness through the Baptism with the Holy Ghost, and to encourage believers to fight the good fight of faith. These are messages that have been preached before they were written. We are praying that this booklet will receive the same favor from the reading public, as the previous writings. May these short, pointed, and tender messages bring conviction to the sinner, holiness to the believer, and encouragement to all believers to keep true to God, and to finally make it home to Heaven.