FAQ :: What are the Gospels?

We find four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John located the New Testament: Each one of the Gospels has a different purpose and a different appeal to a different group at the time written but each one of them speaks of the Person of Jesus Christ. They each describe the Lord’s early ministry. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John call us to believe in Him as the Messiah, the Savior of the world who conquered sin, Satan and death on the Roman cross. The Gospels teach us when and how Christ came.

“Gospel” means “good news.” The good news regarding Jesus the Son of God is given to the world by four writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, although there is essentially but one gospel, the extraordinary story of salvation through Jesus Christ and Him alone.

In each of the four Gospels the Person of Christ is portrayed:

Matthew – Christ is presented as King. It was written primarily for the Jewish people, for He is the Son of David. His royal genealogy is given in chapter one. In chapters five through seven, in the Sermon on the Mount, the laws of His kingdom are given.

Mark – Mark shows Jesus as Servant, written to the Romans without any genealogy. More miracles are found in this book than any other Gospel.

Luke – In this Gospel Luke shows us the Perfect Man of Jesus Christ. This book was written to the Greeks. His genealogy here goes back to the first man, Adam instead of Abraham. As a perfect Man, He is seen in prayer and with angels ministering to Him.

John – Here we see Jesus portrayed by John as the Son of God, written to all who will believe distinctly aimed to lead people to Christ (John 20:31). The overwhelming messages in this Gospel sets-forth Christ’s divine relationship.

Matthew is concerned with the coming of the promised Savior. Mark is focused with the life of the powerful Savior. Luke wrote about the grace of the perfect Savior and John is concerned with having a relationship with the personal Savior.