Paul Crouch is a God

He [God] doesn’t even draw a distinction between Himself and us…You know what else that’s settled, then, tonight? This hue and cry and controversy that has been spawned by the Devil to try and bring dissension within the body of Christ that we are gods. I am a little god!…I have His name. I’m one with Him. I’m in covenant relation. I am a little god! Critics, be gone!

(Praise The Lord, July 7, 1986)

Warning To Heresy Hunters

“To hell with you! Get out of my life! Get out of the way!…I say get out of God’s way! Quit blocking God’s bridges or God’s going to shoot you if I don’t…I don’t even want to even talk to you or hear you! I don’t want to see your ugly face!”

(Praise-a-thon, April 2, 1991.)