FAQ :: Does Google offer free tracking software for cell phones?

Yes. A new piece of free Google software allows people to keep track of each other using their cell phones–and while it is opt-in, it is sure to create a privacy firestorm. “What Google Latitude does is allow you to share that location with friends and family members, and likewise be able to see friends and family members’ locations,” Steve Lee, product manager for Google Latitude, told CNET. “For example, a girlfriend could use it to see if her boyfriend has arrived at a restaurant and, if not, how far away he is.” [1]

Google Latitude, a free piece of software released in February 2009, allows people to keep track of each other using their cell phones.

It is designed to work on any cell phone with Internet capabilities–except the iPhone (one of Google’s competitors). Google is marketing it to help parents keep track of their children. Yet one could secretly install allowing girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands and wives to track each others’ movements. [2]

Some of this sounds, well and good but the real problem is the step-by-step erosion of personal privacy. How far this will go is addressed in the Bible because during the seven-year Tribulation personal freedoms and privacy will be a thing of the past. This software technology is just one more step toward Big Brother’s massive intrusions of a person’s God-given freedoms. Be sure you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior if you wish to escape the horrors of the Tribulation.

[1] Byrne, John. “Google offers free software to track people.” Rawstory. 2.04.09. [2] Byrne, John. “Google offers free software to track people.” Rawstory. 2.04.09.