FAQ :: What is the Unification Church?

The Unification Church (officially named the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity) is a religious movement founded by Reverend Sun Myung Moon in Korea in 1954.The Unification Church is a unique interpretation of Christianity that regards Rev. Moon as the Messiah and believes world peace can be attained through the creation of “true families.” It is especially known for its mass weddings and seeking of converts. Both the Unification Church and Moon himself have been the source of controversy in Asia and especially the USA. The movement’s followers have been dubbed “Moonies” by critics.

They believe God is a single being with “perfect intellect, emotion and will.” They reject the traditional Christian concept of the Godhead. They think God contains within himself positive (male) and negative (female) aspects, which are in perfect harmony with each other.

They believe the Holy Spirit is the feminine counterpart to God. She is not a person, but is a form of energy that is derived from God.

They believe before Adam and Eve were married in Eden, Eve had an affair with the Archangel Lucifer. This caused the spiritual fall of mankind. She later engaged in an pre-marital sexual relationship with Adam. This caused the physical fall of mankind. Together, these illicit sexuality caused them to form an imperfect family. Their sin led to Satan taking control of the world. This cult teaches the following outrageous false doctrines:

The church links Communism (the expression of Satan) with Cain and Democracy (the expression of God) with Abel.

They believe Jesus Christ was a unique human being who was born without original sin. After his crucifixion, he was spiritually resurrected, although Satan took his body away.

They believe God’s original intent was for Jesus Christ to form a perfect marriage in order to redeem humanity, and undo the harm perpetrated by Adam and Eve. Since Jesus was executed before accomplishing his mission, it will be up to a third Adam to form this perfect marriage and complete Jesus’ task.

They believe that by his spiritual resurrection, Jesus has made possible spiritual salvation for persons who accept him as savior and believe in his message. They will, after death, live with Jesus in Paradise. However, because Jesus did not complete his original task, physical salvation is not possible on earth during one’s lifetime. Complete salvation (spiritual and physical) awaits the arrival of the third Adam and his subsequent perfect marriage.

They believe the apostle Paul was the originator of Christianity. Through his expertise, he converted the teachings of Jesus concerning the kingdom of God into a formal religion about Jesus.

They believe Hell exists on earth. Over time, Hell will be transformed into the kingdom of heaven on earth. Hell exists in the spiritual world as well, as an extension of life for those of us who live in Hell on earth.

They believe one of the main purposes of the Unification Church is to unite all of the fragments of Christianity into a single body.

They believe the third Adam was born in Korea between 1917 and 1930. (The first Adam was the individual described in Genesis; the second Adam is Jesus). He will be recognized as second coming of Christ, the perfect man. He will marry the perfect woman, and will become the “true spiritual parents of humankind.” Some members of the Unification Church regard Moon and his second (and current) wife Hak Ja Han as these parents, although the church itself has never made this claim.
