FAQ :: Have Presbyterian leaders told Jews to Abandon Israel?

Yes. A leader of the Presbyterian church has added to the already existing tensions between his sect and the Jewish community by publicly calling on the Jewish people to leave Israel and permanently settle in the United States.

Reverend Larry Grimm of the Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church in Colorado, a longtime advocate of the movement to economically and socially boycott the Jewish state, said that Jews should realize that America is the true Promised Land. Grimm’s statement comes as the Presbyterian Church (USA) prepares to vote at its General Assembly on whether to formally divest from Israel.

In a posting on Facebook, Reverend Grimm addressed the Jewish people by writing, “America is the Promised Land. We all know this. Come to the land of opportunity. Quit feeling guilt about what you are doing in Palestine, Jewish friends. Stop it. Come home to America!”

The former chair of the Justice Commission of the Colorado Council of Churches did not elaborate as to how he arrived at the conclusion that Israel was not the actual Jewish Promised Land, as it has been known historically, or why he feels that it makes sense for approximately six million Jews to abandon their homes. Nevertheless, his proposal was quickly seconded by many of his fellow religious adherents.

While many Presbyterian divestment supporters have claimed that they are not against Israel’s existence, only its “occupation” of “Palestinian territory,” this latest incident appears to prove otherwise. In fact, many within the Presbyterian Church have begun to express alarm at the anti-Israel stance of much of their leadership.

One group of prominent Presbyterian leaders recently noted that “Zionism Unsettled,” the pamphlet produced by Church members to make the case for divestment, had been endorsed by notorious white supremacist David Duke, who praised its utilization of racist terminology he originally popularized.

“To argue that any Jewish desire for any form of statehood within their historic homeland is inherently discriminatory,” the church leaders cautioned, “is not only patently false but morally indefensible.”

This information as reported on Jewish Political News & Updates shows the intensely unbiblical stance taken by Presbyterian leaders. Some Presbyterian leaders have essentially promoted an anti-Semitic agenda over the years. Apparently they don’t read the Bible, and if they do, they have managed to rewrite vast portions of it to suit their own ungodly ideas. Israel is God’s chosen Land forever:

“Also your people shall all be righteous; they shall inherit the land forever, the branch of My planting, the work of My hands, that I might be glorified” (Isaiah 60:21).

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