Jakob Boehme

Jakob Boehme grew up in the northern part of Germany. For the majority of his adult life, he worked as a master-shoemaker in the town of Gorlitz. Because all of his books had to be translated into English, their existence on this site is a testimony to the high value people have placed on his work. Boehme’s authorship began in his 37th year of life. It would last 11 years.

The Third Book of Regeneration, or The New Birth

1: Of Regeneration
2: How Man Is Created
3: Of The Lamentable Fall Of Man…,
4: How We Are Born Anew, And How We May Fall…
5: How A Man May Call Himself A Christian…
6: Of The Right And Of The Wrong Going To Church…
7: Of Unprofitable Opinions, And Strife About The Letter
8: Wherein Christian Religion Consisteth…

The Supersensual Life

Dialogue I
Dialogue II

Of True Repentance

The Message

Of True Resignation

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3