FAQ :: What resources can help me grow as a disciple?

A Strong’s Concordance and a New Testament Interlinear Bible. You can purchase them at most religious bookstores. If you have trouble finding them ask your pastor for help. You may want to buy a Bible handbook, a topical Bible and a Bible dictionary. These tools are invaluable in your study of the Bible. Buy a good study Bible. The following study Bibles are recommended:

Thompson Chain
Open Bible
Dickson New Analytical Bible
Companion Bible

Decide what translation you want to use and stick with it. The King James, the New King James and the New American Standard Bible (NASB) are the most accurate. The New International Version is not as accurate as the first three. It is a thought-for-thought translation instead of a word-for-word translation as the first three are. Do not use a paraphrase.

The Internet has valuable resources:

http://www.blueletterbible.org – An excellent resource for online Bible study.

http://www.biblegateway.com/ – An exceptional site for looking up Scripture, all popular Bible versions are included as well as passage translations in a number of foreign languages.

http://www.e-sword.net/ – A fast and effective way to study the Bible online.

http://www.bible-history.com/ – Bible Maps, Study Tools, Archeology, Ancient documents and much more.

http://www.biblestudytools.com/concordances/strongs-exhaustive-concordance/- Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Online.