FAQ :: Do Christians need to vote?

The prospects on the political horizon seem very bleak much of the time.  It appears that anyone worth voting for is too scrupulous to join the campaign. And, if those worthy candidates do put their hats in the ring, as it were, they don’t stand a chance because the numbers don’t work in their favor. So why bother voting?

Unfortunately, many Christians feel this way has largely contributed to the problem. If Christians in this country felt the responsibility that they should and that the forefathers of this country tried to instill in them, the problem would greatly shrink. However, this defeatist mentality has contributed to the demise of Christians in politics. We have to trust God and go to the polls. If we aren’t God’s voice in this country, who will be?

The moral decline of this society is reason enough to be sure that your voice is heard. Vote, work the campaigns, and even run for office. Be a voice for righteousness. Don’t sit back and let people with unrighteous principles into the highest offices of this land. Your candidate may lose, and your vote may not help enough, but the rights of the unborn children and persecuted Christians will not suffer even more setbacks because of the silence of Christians at the voting polls.