Dave Hunt

Born in 1926, Dave was raised in a Christian home and enjoyed the advantages that come with a godly upbringing. The Hunts fellowshipped with a group of Christians commonly known as the Plymouth Brethren–visit www.plymouthbrethren.com to learn more. Just before entering high school, he made his decision personal and placed his trust in Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord.

He earned a university degree in mathematics, married his wife, Ruth, had four children, and developed his career as a CPA/management consultant and, later, as management of several corporations. During this time, Dave’s love for spreading the gospel kept him heavily involved in numerous campus ministries, with a special focus on foreign students. Although he remained consistently active in ministry, Dave’s heart’s desire was to serve God full-time. That desire came to fruition through his research and writing, beginning in 1973. He wrote many books dealing with Western culture and religion, Eastern religions, psychological and New Age thinking, ecumenism between Catholics and Protestants, and other heretical teachings.

Nearly 4 million copies of his books have been sold, and they have been translated into more than 40 languages. The God Makers (November, 1997) is a great tool for witnessing to Mormons. It poignantly disintegrates the wholesome image projected by the Mormons. In this book, Ed Decker and Dave Hunt reveal researched and fully-documented facts to expose startling truths about Mormon beliefs and practices including such things as the ties between Masonry and the Mormon Church and other occult links and practices. “Jesus warned that the days prior to His return would be characterized be religious deception involving false prophets, false Messiahs, and false miracles so convincing that they would deceive if possible the very elect” (The God Makers, 1997).

Among his other best sellers are many titles pertaining to the end times: The Seduction of Christianity (December, 1985); Global Peace and the Rise of the Antichrist (November, 1990); How Close are We? (March, 1993); A Woman Rides the Beast (October, 1994); and Occult Invasion (March, 1998).

In his book, A Woman Rides the Beast, Dave Hunt makes the bold proclamation that the Catholic Church is the woman who rides atop the beast depicted in Revelation 17.

The leaders of the Reformation were certain that she represented the Roman Catholic Church in general and the pope in particular. That belief, however, has been rejected lately by most Protestants as provocative and demeaning to a body of fellow Christians with whom evangelicals desire to work together in the task of winning most of the world for Christ before the year 2000. In fact, the subject of the woman is generally avoided today as too divisive to discuss.

Still, the woman, so vividly portrayed by John, cannot be dismissed so easily. There she is. Two of the final chapters in the Bible are devoted to her. What will we do with her? It would be dishonest to ignore such an important prophetic figure. The entire Bible is God’s Word. We have no more right to close our eyes to Revelation 17 and 18 than to John 3:16. (A Woman Rides the Beast, October, 1994).

In this book, Dave Hunt paints a portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist’s future empire. This in-depth study of the doctrines, practices, and history of the Catholic Church examines eight specific clues in Revelation 17 and 18 that, Hunt claims, provide undeniable proof that the woman who rides the beast is none other than Roman Catholicism. Read this book and decide for yourself!

Mr. Hunt is now a much sought-after speaker in numerous countries and is frequently a guest on radio and TV talk-shows. Dave communicates with fellow believers through the newsletter, The Berean Call. Visit www.thebereancall.org to subscribe to the newsletter.

Dave Hunt is greatly committed to rightly-dividing the word of God and presenting facts backed-up by scripture. He often tackles controversial and “politically-incorrect” topics with much vigor and little fear of backlash. His cache of writings is a complement to any researcher’s library.