Drowning in Deception :: By Jan Markell

As Jesus Christ overlooked Jerusalem in Matthew 24, He spoke of the deceivers to come! Yes, Matthew 24 is heavily a Tribulation passage, but events of that age are casting a huge shadow now. As editor Terry James writes in the introduction of his new book, Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers and Their Last Days Deception . . . .

“Deception is the order of the day with the 21st-century world. The deceivers are among us. They, in fact, rule this fallen planet while the wind-up of human history runs its inevitable course. Never have there been prophetic topics more worthy of dissection and analysis than those encapsulated within this book’s title”

So just who is deceiving? How can you protect those you care about? There is spiritual deception and societal deception. Deception makes the world go round, sadly. And if you aren’t paying attention, even you will be deceived.

The chapter contributors in this 334-page hardbound book include:

  • Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant
  • Dr. David Reagan: Signs Outshine Satan’s Seduction
  • Dr. Gary Frazier: Laodicean Lies
  • Don McGee: Cultural Craftiness
  • J. Michael Hile: Tracking Truth in Deceptive Times
  • Israel Wayne: The Schoolroom Seducers
  • Phillip Goodman: Middle East Misdirection
  • Daymond Duck: New World Order Wizardry
  • Nathan Jones: The Foreteller-Fabricators
  • Todd Strandberg: Media Manipulators
  • Pastor Billy Crone: Demon-Conjuring Con Men
  • Jim Fletcher: The Israel Revilers
  • Eric Barger: From Deception to Deliverance

I can’t review each chapter but I can tell you that when I got my assignment concerning deception-in-the-church issues, I realized I actually could write a book on the topic. I have roots in a solid, Bible-preaching, prophecy-loving church. I had no idea what I would encounter when I entered ministry years ago — before the great end-time falling away even got into high gear!

Truly, every wind of doctrine is being peddled to unsuspecting church attendees today. I was able to address just some of these issues:

  • The Mainline Mistake
  • Evangelicals Start to Wobble
  • New Ways of Doing Church
  • Hipster Church (Emergent/Postmodern)
  • The Laughing Revival That Wasn’t So Funny
  • When You Criticize “America’s Pastor”
  • Are Today’s Prophets Only About Profit?
  • So Protestants Are Now Catholics?
  • When the Left Isn’t Right
  • The Greatest Tragedy (dropping Bible prophecy and support of Israel)

The book looks at societal issues as well. As Terry James suggests, following World War II, America reached its zenith. It was a church-going, praying, family-togetherness nation that held to some biblical principles. All of that changed in the 1960s although the roots of change began in the late 19th century.

But by the 1960s godlessness began to replace godliness. Academia stressed no moral absolutes, values clarification, situational ethics, evolution, and more. The shackles were thrown off, aided and abetted by the news and entertainment media.

The deceivers infected everything and the mantra became, “If it feels good, do it.”  “New Age” and new thought replaced the God-focused post World War II mindset. It was and is a new day and not a good day.

Yes, we are drowning in deception but you don’t have to! As Terry James says, “The authors have done a masterful job of bringing to light the delusion taking place in the nation and world.”

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