Short Report :: By Daymond Duck

In the past couple of weeks, there have been several things worth noting (and I am covered up with work) so I will try to mention five of them with just a few sentences about each.

First, on June 14, 2017, prominent leaders from 22 religions (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Hindus, Buddhist, etc.) launched a video with subtitles in many different languages. These leaders called for everyone to make friends with people of other faiths.

Christians believe in tolerance and most will not have a problem with this. But some Christians will view this as a step toward establishing a world religion. If leaders from many different religions try to change or go against what the Bible says, it could lead to persecution.

Friendship is one thing. Trying to silence Christians on abortion, gay issues, Jesus is the only way to be saved, etc. is an entirely different matter.

Second, on June 17, 2017, it was reported that the state of Illinois owes 15.1 billion dollars on unpaid bills and the state is close to having its bond status reduced to a junk rating.

The state of Illinois could be the first state in history to declare bankruptcy. But the States of New Jersey, Maine and Connecticut are not far behind. In fact, Gov. Chris Christie has already declared a state of emergency and ordered a partial shutdown of the government. At some point, hopefully not before the Rapture of the Church, there will be a global economic collapse.

For whatever it is worth, a few so-called experts are saying it could happen in the next few months, perhaps before the end of the year. We shall see.

Third, on June 19, 2017, it was reported that Japan has passed a series of laws that allow authorities to arrest people before they commit a crime. People that are thought to be in the planning stages of a crime can be locked up before they do anything wrong.

One troubling matter about these laws is that they allow government officials to arrest unruly citizens that object to government decisions. The mark of the beast will be used to arrest people that object to government decisions.

Fourth, on June 21, 2017, DebkaFile called the appointment of Prince Mohammad bin Salman to be the new Crown Prince and heir to the throne in Saudi Arabia a game-changing international event.

DebkaFile believes the appointment of this man will create a new U.S.-Arab-Israeli alliance to stop Iran. In their eyes, this new alliance increases the possibility of a Middle East peace treaty. President Trump’s tweet that “Interesting things are happening” has added fuel to the fire.

I believe the Bible teaches that Egypt and others will get into a war with Israel at the end of the age (Isa. 19), but they will eventually settle their differences and during the Millennium there will be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria (Isa. 19:23).

In the meantime, keep an eye on President Trump’s peace initiatives. The Bible clearly teaches that the Tribulation period will begin when the Antichrist confirms a treaty for seven years of peace in the Middle East.

Fifth, in the Old Testament, God told the Jews that were physically able to do so to take a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Temple three times a year (Deut. 16:16).

On June 27, 2017, it was reported that Israel has decided to modernize Jerusalem to accommodate millions of visitors that will be visiting on a pilgrimage in the future. More hotels, better roads and rail systems, busses and more are needed.

According to the report, a fast train system is already under construction from the airport to Jerusalem and the decision has been made to extend it to the Temple Mount to accommodate visitors. This is amazing.

During the Millennium, millions of people will visit Jerusalem and the Temple Mount to spend time with Jesus. Apparently, God has started preparing the way.

Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc.
Daymond & Rachel Duck