
Baha’ism claims to be the ultimate fulfillment of Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, and Christianity. While proclaiming the merits of all world religions, Baha’ism also insists that these faiths must now concede to the supremacy of God’s fulfilled revelation in Baha’u’llah.

Baha’i is the world’s second fastest growing religion and is taking college campuses by storm.

A 25-year-old businessman, known as Mirza All Muhammad (1819-1850), announced in 1844 that he was the Bab (“Gate”), the forerunner of the “Promised One” who would be a manifestation of God. Six years later, he was killed. One of his followers, a Persian nobleman named Mirza Husayn Ali, known today as Baha’u’llah (“the glory of God”), came to believe he was the one prophesied by Mirza All Muhammad.

Baha’u’llah declared that he was the promised Madhi (Messiah), a progressive revelation of God onward from Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, and Muhammad. This is the nine godhead theory that they espouse.

The 12 principles of faith:

1. The independent search for truth
2. The oneness of the human race
3. The unity of all religions
4. The elimination of all prejudice
5. The harmony of science and religion
6. The equality of men and women
7. Universal education
8. A universal language
9. Abolition of extreme wealth and poverty
10. A world court
11. Work as worship
12. Justice with universal peace

The religious practices of Baha’ism are similar to Islam though the two faiths are entirely separate religious systems. The Baha’i faith seriously offends orthodox Muslims in its belief that the line of prophets does not end with Muhammad but includes Baha’u’llah and prophets yet to come.

Worship is held every 19 days at the “19 Day Feast”. The plan of salvation for Baha’i is the striving for the possibility of evolution through spiritual development to attain nearness to God.  Those who don’t reach this level of consciousness are doomed to be separated from God for eternity.