Super Bugs Are on the Rise in 2013 :: by Don Twobears

Michael G. Mickey wrote an article posted on another website titled, “Superbugs on the Rise in 2013.” I must say it was good, although it failed to describe any of these diseases in their basic forms. It is to that end that I decided to give his article some support.

People lately have been running around and watching the sky for asteroids and the like, never once realizing their existence would be more likely extinguished by things they are not able to see. It must also be noted, that the majority of people forget things far too quickly, such as the flu virus that almost destroyed Spain at the beginning of this 20th Century. It would be wrong to forget the SARS case in Japan, merely some 10-12 years ago; or even worse, the Ebola outbreak in 2000, which caused 224 deaths. We haven’t even begun to talk about Typhus or other pandemics through the ages, but as you already know, many were devastating, with millions of people dead.

Today and since World War II, we have had a fair number of “antibiotics” to work with. Penicillin was first brought about at that time and we have been able to progress even further, with more stringent ones. Along with the advancement in medication, we have also damaged ourselves in the far too frequent usage of them. In medicine we know this as the morphology of antibiotics, which means how these antibiotics have progressed and their need. Yet…at the exact same time, we have not been able to assess the need of antibiotics as quickly as the spread of more lethal diseases. We must also remember that the exposure of these diseases to our antibiotics, have created a number of these diseases becoming “antibiotic resistant.”

If we take a moment, the AIDS virus was deadly until we found a way to combat it on a microscopic level, thus saying, “Their existence would be more likely extinguished by things they are not able to see.” The ability to distinguish the differences of diseases is by examination on the microscopic level. To that end we must see that they fall, most basically into two groups, those that are a virus and those that are bacterial. I pray this does not sound redundant.

Here is the next problem: We must understand that our body is made up of skin (sort of a bag, if you will) and this is filled with bones and 63% water. For a virus or bacteria to survive and propagate, it requires moisture (water) and then it must be warm (98.6 degrees is about right) and then there must be a food source (cells of varying degree as well as sugar and blood products). It would then be considered correct to say, we are a walking Petri dish!

We are definitely a wonderfully created being by God. But we are also here for only a short period of time, it is temporary at best. Disagree? Notice how easy it is for us to have a disease, how easy it is for us to hurt ourselves or break a bone. All of these things can bring a devastating end to any one of us when we combine them with disease processes. Bacteria is on our bodies all the time, so the next problem is when these diseases grow so fast, our body doesn’t have enough time to combat it and survive.

When the body is overwhelmed by these bacteria or viruses, they tend to scar some organs or even stop some organs from functioning altogether. The majority of bacteria live on our skin, the first barrier of safety, yet many also live within some of our organs, like our bowel system or stomach. The insides of these organs are considered “non-sterile” while others like the heart, lungs and brain are considered “sterile” and the list goes on. When we are infected by these things we suffer symptoms. And the symptoms can vary greatly depending on the invading agent; typically they come about from the toxins given off.

It is then easy to admit that one suffers from either a virus or a bacterial infection. The problem is, endeavoring to distinguish one from the other. Obviously bacteria have a body; called a micro-organism, while the virus has no body. Does this mean that bacteria are more potent than a virus? Not on your life. It is a different way of attacking the body and creating destruction. Either can be deadly and has shown to be throughout history.

Yersinia pestis, a bacterium, was carried by fleas and rodents, the Bubonic Plague! Yellow fever, also known as Yellow Jack or “Yellow Rainer” and other names, is an acute viral hemorrhagic disease. Variola virus (the cause of smallpox) has been eradicated. Cholera is a bacterial disease usually spread through contaminated water. Cholera causes severe diarrhea and dehydration. Typhus (1918-22), this louse borne bacteria, thrives in filthy conditions, such as among armies in less hygienic times than today.

The Great Influenza Epidemic was most likely the deadliest plague in history. The extremely virulent influenza virus killed an estimated 50 to 100 million people in the space of just six months. The Black Death of the 1300-1400s, is the name commonly given to the epidemic outbreaks of bubonic plague that killed nearly a third of the population of Europe—as many as 34 million people. The reason this is not considered the worst, is that the Black Death killed those 100 million over a period of 200 years. The Great Influenza killed that number in six months.

The flu is responsible for an average of 36,000 deaths a year in the United States. AIDS, in comparison, causes about 15,000 deaths a year in the United States. That makes the “common” flu more than twice the killer that AIDs. We have many viruses that are called, RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae (the influenza viruses). These can be just as deadly as any other virus. The difference is, the incubation time as compared to onset of symptoms, it is very quick.

As you are able to surmise, there are a variety of viruses and bacteria that can be most harmful to humans. To the lay person it would be very difficult to decipher one from another. This is the reason for hospitalization and in-depth analysis of anyone suspected of carrying a virus or bacteria that is resistant to antibiotic therapy. Many people must be inoculated before going to countries around the world, those that show evidence of such horrendous outbreaks and plagues. Trust me when I say that disease processes are not for the faint of heart. Therefore, it must be clearly understood that anyone feeling sick MUST see a board certified medical physician. It is also very important to tell them of any antibiotics you have been on recently.

  • Whenever you are sick, seek professional help first! Do NOT listen to your family or friends, even though they mean well. They are not qualified to make serious decisions.
  • A person who is sneezing or coughing and has a fever, feels achy, see your doctor!
  • Wash your hands…A LOT! As well as every other part of you. The lack of good hygiene can kill.
  • Last but by no means the least, listen to your doctor and be truthful ALWAYS. Tell your doctor of problems that creep up, follow his or her recommendations to the letter. Take your medication like your life depends on it (as it sometimes can).

There is a reason why the Lord granted certain individuals the knowledge of medicine and that is to help us maintain good and healthy bodies. Have you ever wondered about the 1950s with the kissing disease, mononucleosis? Why is it that those couples, a married man and a woman, who do NOT wander about never get a disease like the kissing disease or any sexually transmitted disease?

And then if you see the statistics concerning gonorrhea, sexually transmitted diseases and now that they are antibiotic resistant, it makes you wonder why, doesn’t it? Same sex couples that are always sick, why is it this way? Do you think it could be that the Lord does not condone these relationships? You tell me.